10 Things a REAL Men “Alpha Male” NEVER Does!

Wolf Male
3 min readDec 29, 2022
10 Things a REAL Men “Alpha Male” NEVER Does!

If I had to describe an alpha male in one word, it would be confident. Unfortunately, this world is full of fake alphas who are trying to convince others they are something that they’re not. They confuse arrogance with confidence. If you are genuinely an alpha, you would never do the things I will discuss in this blog post.

How to define a genuine alpha

An alpha male ranks at the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy. He is the most desirable of all men having greater access to money, power, status, and mates. The alpha is most attractive in the block and often tagged as a “real man”.


1. Is not jealous of others

true alphas are not envious of other dudes for what they have, what they’ve achieved, or who they’re sleeping with.

2. Doesn’t compromise his dignity or integrity for likes or to be popular

true alphas don’t do or say horrible things that are detrimental to their character and integrity.

3. Doesn’t get pressured

true alphas do what is correct instead of easy. They won’t let friends or girlfriends talk them into doing something they shouldn’t be doing because they know there’s more than just having fun short-term.

4. Doesn’t hate people for being different

what somebody does in their private life doesn’t affect a true alpha. So many people are ‘holier than thou’, trying to put others down or make fun of others because they’re different. If you haven’t grabbed this audiobook yet, you need to. I used to be the guy who was worried about things out of my control, and I used to worry about life being perfect. Mark Manson’s book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” changed my life.

5. Doesn’t hang out with losers

if you expect to accomplish things, you have to get away from people holding you down. You need to expand your knowledge and your circle of influence.

6. Doesn’t kiss anyone’s ass

there is no need to simp or beg. You’re the alpha; you’re the prize. Not them!

7. Doesn’t let past failures define where he’s going in life

failure doesn’t make a confident alpha male insecure. Failure for a true alpha results in getting back up and making things happen. They do not allow their past to define where they’re going.

8. Doesn’t neglect his body

Confident alphas take care of their temple because they understand their body needs to be strong. They work out. They eat right, don’t drink excessively, and don’t mess around with people they shouldn’t be messing around with.

9. Doesn’t want everybody to like him

I used to think that if everybody liked me, everything would be cool. The truth is that if everybody likes you, that is NOT cool. It’s being a people-pleaser, which often means you’re not getting anything in return. People-pleasers do things for others at the detriment of their happiness, sanity, and life.

10. Doesn’t push down emotions

A true confident alpha deals with their emotions because they know they won’t be truly happy and confident until they deal with the uncomfortable. Have those hard conversations.




Wolf Male

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